All Tides Recede

West Coast Reactionaries has reached its end. Andrew and I have spoken, and we are both happy to announce this project moreorless complete. What began in early 2015 as an outlet for alternative Right-wing thinking ends in early 2017 as a home full of lively spiritual, philosophical and political exploration.

For the past year particularly, I have been trying my best to hold this website together, to keep it from falling to disuse. I succeeded in that thanks to our great contributors, commenters, readers and patrons. My sincerest thanks to you all.

Myself, Andrew and everyone else who has been involved with W.C.R. will doubtless not disappear. We all have our own lives and our own creative endeavours, and you will most likely see all of us pop up in other places online and offline.

Thank you again to everyone who has been involved with our project.

Have a good evening.
~ Adam T.C. Wallace, Andrew Martyanov & all


11 thoughts on “All Tides Recede

  1. I’m extremely bummed to hear this. WCR has put on some amazing content. It’s been a huge pillar of the Reactosphere and we’ll all be the poorer for it’s ending. I really hope Adam doesn’t go away and at least keeps the podcast going. Very sad day.

  2. WCR has put out articles of outstanding quality, it’s unfortunate in many respects to see it go, though perhaps that was inevitable. As a group we have developed from our small beginnings to reach amazing heights within the sphere of reaction. It was this collective drive in searching for what is true that has lead us exhausted and weary to the shore – we should be happy and proud of where we are and where we have got to together. The recent shifting of the online spheres such as the Alt Right had a hand in the development and closure of WCR. While inevitably then, hopefully for the better, as we each go our separate ways, onwards, and with creativity. It’s been a pleasure gentlemen, keep in touch.

  3. This morning I woke up to Adams last podcast and Bruce Charlton announcing he is stopping blogging. Is this just coincidence or is something happening? There does seem to be a dissipation of energy in the sphere.
    As an observer it is fascinating to see the journey these bloggers are on.

    Is this all about creating distance from the normies conception of Alt right?

  4. WCR quickly became part of my regular reading rotation once I discovered it last Spring. That people were doing all sorts of avant-garde things from the political Right, hitherto known for a lot of boring policy wonkery and banal partisan cheerleading, impressed me greatly and was in fact one of the things that inspired me to start writing again after years of wanting nothing to do with it anymore. RIP WCR, and thanks.

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